It was cold and windy this afternoon--the kind of day that makes you want to stay inside with a warm blanket and a good book. Alas, I had a lesson to teach, so I got myself down to the indoor arena with both horses. They ran around and rolled and bucked a generally blew off a lot of steam. I worked with Flyboy on the ground for quite a while and he was stellar! He is now reliably responding to voice commands on the lunge line--walk, trot, canter, whoa--up and down transitions. I set out trot poles and he cruised over them with rhythm and balance and control. Wow. Much improved since the first time I tried that a few months ago. I have had Fly for four months now. It's been a roller coaster of sorts with the trailer accident and issues. But overall he has made tremendous progress and is coming along very nicely under saddle. By "coming along" I mean more than just following another horse down the trail. He is learning self-carriage and seat/leg aids, as well as developing proper musculature. This horse could go in several directions--endurance (my goal), dressage, jumping, or maybe even working cow horse. For some reason he seems to like cows. I don't.
Hopefully our weather will go back to the milder sunny temperatures this winter has been famous for. I need a trail ride! In a bad way! And Fly is just about ready to trailer solo. I think.
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