Flyboy trailered solo to the arena for a fabulous workout all alone at the indoor arena. I was totally bummed no one was there to see this ride. He deserved an audience. What a good boy he was--soft, very forward and generous. I LOVE his canter. I love his trot. I love his flexibility and maneuverability. He is just a fun ride.
We did a little ground work, then a little under-saddle warm-up. Then it was circles and serpentines, again. Who would have thought circles could be so fun? Fly was a little cautious about the far end of the arena where the windows and the calf chute are, so I hopped off and dragged a few trot poles out to play over down in that end. I thought maybe if he had something more important to think about, he would forget about worrying about the calf chute. It worked; he was very business-like and careful over the poles. I may just decide to start adding elements: trot poles to a cross-rail, or cavalletti. He could be ready to do some gymnastic grids in no time.
Flyboy got a well deserved grooming and a couple of cookies before trailering home again. And that was after I told him what an amazing boy he is! I hope he will be as good tomorrow since I am finally getting another lesson with Marleen. And on Thursday we are going out on trail at long last. Seems like forever since we had a trail ride!
Schooling is fun!!!!! I'm addicted :)