Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring + Sunshine = Sunburn

Fabulous spring day--truly warm at 65 glorious degrees! A couple of friends and I headed out to the roller-coaster hills to work our ponies. Flyboy was very good--forward, relaxed, and happy. It was a fairly short ride, but a really good one for him. I rode in a t-shirt and caught the sun to prove it!

I had an interesting weekend to say the least. On Saturday, an endurance friend called me to come take a look at a four-year-old off-the-track arabian filly that needed an endurance home. I am not in the market for a third horse so I tried to resist but got sucked in and decided to go take a look. The problem was I really liked what I saw. Now this filly is in my corral hanging out and eating hay with Keno while Flyboy is camping out at a friend's place nearby. I have this very green young filly on a thirty day trial. Then I have to make a decision.

Fly has come a long way in a few short months. He still has a ways to go, but I am very proud of him. Today was proof of his ability to be a good mountain horse and a fun trail companion.

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