Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fly Solo Again!

Check out our view!
What a glorious fall afternoon! Sunny and warm with just a hint of cool breeze--it was great. I had been planning to take Flyboy to the arena for some dressage type work, but decided the trail was calling us instead. The arena will be available all winter--the trails won't. Tough decision, huh? I think not.

All week Fly has been really good with trailer loading. I really think he has finally figured it out. He gets in, steps to the side wall, I close the panel. Done. No big deal. I love it.

Booted boy
Fly and I covered approximately eight miles today. We were on the trail for an hour and forty-five minutes of pure fun.  Flyboy was much more forward today compared to our last solo ride where he was quite "sticky" at times. He never got really stuck today at all. He hesitated a few times, and actually stopped once or twice, but he readily went forward again when asked. That is HUGE progress! We walked, climbed hills, worked on traveling downhill correctly and straight quite a bit, and we trotted some really long stretches. I could not be more pleased with his progress.

This was the first time I have ridden him with all four feet booted in Easyboot Gloves. He went well in them and the only problem we had was when he stumbled and almost lost a boot. I happened to look down to check and he was half-way out so I had to hop off and put it back on. I think he probably stepped on his own foot. Everything I have read about Mustangs talks about how sure footed they are, but I think Fly is still learning how to negotiate his way over rocks, trenches, hills, ruts, etc. with a rider on his back. He's not real klutzy, but he does stumble occasionally. I think he has a little thrush going on, too, which could make him tender or ouchy. His front hoof frogs are flaking/shedding, quite a bit. I will be using Thrush Ninja regularly to get that under control.

Back at the trailer Fly got a good brushing, ate a couple of well-deserved horse cookies, and hung out in the shade for a few minutes with me. He was relaxed and knew he had done well!

The world lost a great soul today. A true Montana cowboy, and as kind a person as you could ever hope to meet passed from this world today. My prayers are with his family. We will miss you, Don.

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